The academic building, the first building slated for construction on OSU-Cascades’ new campus is taking shape, marking a major milestone for the university and
This week contractors poured concrete for the two mat foundations of the building. Mat foundations are large slabs of concrete that support the building’s concrete shear walls. These walls in the academic building are engineered to support the building structure, including against high winds and during an earthquake.
Like many roads and properties throughout Bend and Central Oregon — including Mt. Washington Drive and its adjacent neighborhoods, as well as are public schools and shopping centers — the campus site is located near a geological fault line.
Passersby will soon notice the building’s walls rising above the ground surface, while plumbing and electrical is installed below the future first floor, and while foundation construction continues.
Construction crews also continue to make progress on underground utilities throughout the site, including:
- Connecting storm sewers to drywells
- Installation of fire service water lines
- Installation of domestic water lines
Among other construction in the next two weeks, the contractor will complete the water line installation and the storm drainage system. The contractor will also begin to install trenches and conduits for power, natural gas, and data and communication systems.
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